
Kedai Kopitiam Oriental Kopi
Kedai Kopitiam Oriental Kopi
Kedai Kopitiam Oriental Kopi
Kedai Kopitiam Oriental Kopi

Kedai Kopitiam Oriental Kopi


Kedai Kopitiam Oriental Kopi serves up a local coffee shop experience not to be missed. They preserve rich, nostalgic flavours through traditional techniques and secret recipes. Taste their Oriental Coffee, Portuguese Egg Tart or Polo Bun and you’ll understand the hype! Fast and relaxed, the space is good for a shopping break or to end a long day.

Cuisine : Malaysia/ Local Delight
Outlet Type : Coffee Shop/ Specialty Beverages, Restaurant
Operations Hours

Monday - Sunday: 0800 - 2200 hours

Kedai Kopitiam Oriental Kopi
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